絶品ワイルドエール、Tommie Sjefがオランダから待望の限定新入荷のお知らせ

オランダから、Tommie Sjefが待望の新入荷のお知らせです。

10代の頃からベルギーのランビックやサワーに感銘を受けたTommie Koenenが手掛ける、ブレンダーとしてのセンスが発揮されたどれも素晴らしいワイルドエール。全てオーガニックな原料を使用し、オーク樽で発酵させています。



We are pleased to announce the long-awaited arrival of Tommie Sjef from the Netherlands.

Tommie Koenen, who has been impressed by Belgian lambics and sours since he was a teenager, produces wonderful wild ales that demonstrate his flair as a blender. All ingredients are organic and fermented in oak barrels.

E-commerce sales have now been approved and the long-awaited arrival has here.

This is a rare opportunity where the amount of brewing is small, and it is a masterpiece that you should definitely try.