- Description
Brewery ブルワリー:Tommie Sjef トミー シェフ
Region 地域:Noord-Holland/Netherlands 北ホラント/オランダ
Style スタイル:Wild Ale ワイルドエール
ABV アルコール度数:6.6%
Size 容量:750mlオーガニックチェリーを使ったクリーク。1年から2年熟成の様々なヴィンテージをブレンドし、チェリーを加えてさらに6ヶ月赤ワインのフードルで熟成させた。チェリーの他にアーモンドやシナモンを思わせるアロマ。味わいはチェリー、ダークベリー、赤ワインを感じる。酸味が強く樽のタンニンがキレを決める。
Kriek is made with organic sour cherries. Our interpretation of this classic style is a blend of different wild ales varying from 1 up to 2 years combined with the cherries. The cherries where macerated and fermented in the beer for over half a year in a red wine foeder. We used 375 grams of cherries per liter of beer. The cherries pop out in the aroma, together with a hint of cinnamon and almond. It’s a fairly clean aroma, with just a hint of funk. In the taste I find a lot of dark berry notes, fresh cherries, some spices and a touch of red wine notes from the foeder. The sourness is quite pronounced in this one, which mainly comes from the cherries. The beer also took up some firm tannins from the fruit. This gives the beer a nice dry finish. Kriek is already good to drink during the fall, but this beer is also perfect to cellar for a couple of years to balance out the fruitiness and base beer. With a year or more of ageing, the tannins and sourness will be more integrated as well. Store our beers upright or lying down in a cool, dark place. Our beers are best enjoyed between 12 and 14 degrees Celsius.
Tommie Sjef トミー シェフ / Kriek クリーク 750ml