- Description
Brewery ブルワリー:Fieldwork フィールドワーク
Region 地域:California/USA カリフォルニア/アメリカ
Style スタイル:Hazy IPA ヘイジーIPA
ABV アルコール度数:6.8%
Size 容量:473ml今では市場に多く出回るようになったネルソンホップですが、その中でも最高品質と呼んでも良いものを選び出して使用したIPA!(結局最後まで二種類のネルソンの優劣が付けられず、それぞれをブレンドして使用しています)もしこれまでネルソンホップを使ったビールを飲んだことがない、もしくはその素晴らしい香りを嗅ぎ分けられたことがない方に是非飲んでもらいたいほどにネルソン全開!リースリング白ブドウ、パパイヤの蜜、グアバジュース、グーズベリー、白桃、ライチを思わせるアロマとフレーバーで溢れています!
When we first opened our doors we were faced with a nasty and niggling Nelson problem; it was our favorite hop in the world, we had a hard time getting it, and when we did get some, we hated the stuff we were getting. Fast forward what feels like a millennia and we have a new problem, access to too much amazing Nelson. With Imaginator we decided to load up with our two favorite selections of Nelson from two different farms and blend them together for what we think is our ultimate all Nelson beer, a beer so Nelson it might as well be pointing its grotesquely yellow index finger at you with a mocking “Ha-Ha!” as you sip from the glass. We picked these Nelson hops to exude specific qualities which we think will be painfully obvious when you take your first whiff and get bombarded by notes of super ripe passion fruit, the cattiest of Riesling grapes, papaya nectar, guava juice, bright gooseberries, white peaches, lychee gummies, and a pervasive note that can only be described as petrol and lanolin in the best possible way.
Fieldwork フィールドワーク / Imaginator イマジネーター 473ml